In continuing on with Blogtember, I took this personality test over the weekend. I tested as the ISFJ personality type which surprised me in absolutely no ways at all.
First of all, this is totally me. I feel like they hit the nail on the head, so to speak. I'm the generally introverted, largely in my own head, type of person. I think a lot. I take great pride in being needed, and I don't like to divulge anything that might make someone feel bad for me or otherwise uncomfortable. I mentioned the results to Nick and he just smiled. Apparently, he agrees.
They say that people of this personality type struggle with feeling unappreciated. My first thought was no! I don't! Nick tells me how much he appreciates me on a daily basis! But that's just the thing. This really is a testament to N and how well he really gets me.
I'll have to thank him especially for that. That wonderful man of mine.
When I think back on it, though, I remember those feelings of un-appreciation at my last job. Which I hear, is just me being me! I am not saying that they were warranted, just that they were there. They followed suit and all.
And oh my, I am blaming things on my personality.
Another thing, I have a few close friends. This has been true throughout my whole life. When I was younger, I thought this was just because I was painfully shy. I would get to the point where I hoped that I didn't have to talk to anyone in my classes! The horror! As I have gotten older, shy really isn't the word anymore, I'm just "quiet." I choose what I want to say carefully as to emphasis exactly what I mean, without the superfluous words.
And instead of feeling like a have a few close friends because I am shy, it's because I have faith and I let things fall into place. You just naturally click with some people. And with others, things feel more forced. I don't have the social energy to nudge a friendship into being. If it doesn't fit naturally, chances are it will just make me feel anxious, like I am needing to provide "upkeep" on something. Friendship should be effortless. So, the friends I do have, they are perfect little corner pieces, and sky pieces that fit into whichever piece I am, ya know. That's a puzzle reference. Just to clarify.
This has been interesting in the blogging world. Maybe we'll take twitter for example, I am tempted to just sit back and read the conversations. This works in the real world, just being there, listening. Because you are there, you've got a body in the situation and you have presence! Online, if you aren't participating, it's as if you're not there at all. Presence just isn't as passive behind that computer screen.
And a quick side note to say that I don't feel like this whole thing applies to my blogging personality, per se. There should be separate blogging personality quiz because I don't even know about these things. Or maybe this little ole thing is tweaking my personality in little ways... but that's for another time entirely.

I'm an ISFJ too!! So crazy because I definitely USED to be an E, but as I've gotten older I am moving more towards Introverted. Everything about the description is true to me too ... i definitely feel appreciated by my BF but sometimes with my friends I get upset because I plan these elaborate things for them and/or really think out a gift or surprise and I feel like they appreciate it but they never go so far as to reciprocate in any type of gesture or anything so to me that can feel the same as not being appreciated at times!
ReplyDeleteWoop Woop! ISFJ party! I'm definitely an introvert and i have only a few close friends and i like it that way! :P I live by "if you want something done right, do it yourself" it may be a weakness but who cares! i like things done "the right way"! haha Sometimes i over-do things but i feel like i was like that for a while and it has slowly died down.. maybe because i don't have much money? lol! Oh and i totally agree not everything applies to my personality but it was definitely a fun read! :D
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you got the right result! I feel like mine was so wrong. I'm starting to think I took the test wrong ; ) But I agree, your blogging personality might be totally different! I wonder if anyone has made a blog personality test! ; )
ReplyDeleteISFJ here, too :) Cheers for wonderful men who understand us!! I feel like introverts are so misunderstood when they are younger, that it is such a blessing and relief to be married to someone (an extrovert, by the way) who actually gets it!
ReplyDeleteI like how you differentiated between shy and quiet, too. They really are two completely different things.
You have a beautiful blog, so glad I came across it :)
It's weird how sometimes you take in on different days and it's completely different! But every time it describes your state of being at the time. Haha ENFP here :)
ReplyDeleteMichelle @ Mishfish13
I'm ESFJ, and I read a lot about ISFJ when I was doing a little personality experiment... I see bits and pieces that both apply to me. I like to feel appreciated. But I need to be around other people.
That is such a cool post! What a great way to learn about you! :) Thank you for the insight!
ReplyDeleteOooh, I stumbled across your blog through Jenni's linkup and I remember I've been here before yayyyyyy! I really enjoyed reading your thoughts on being an ISFJ. My boyfriend is a borderline ISFJ/ISFP and this sounded kind of like what I imagine his thoughts to be. (I usually hog the conversation, but he says he doesn't mind, but I try to make sure he feels loved and appreciated!) Anyway, I liked getting this inner peek into who you are! I'm an ENFP! :)
ReplyDeleteI love the detail about each of the different aspects- it's so interesting to learn about other people from this test. It can tell you a lot about yourself, too! Love your blog- first time visitor & new follower!
ReplyDeleteI'm also an ISFJ! :]
ReplyDeleteOn the point of thinking that you were shy. I completely agree. Everyone always said I was shy when I was younger, but I don't really think I am. I love being around people, but I like to listen more than talking.
Wahoo :) I totally didn't touch on that but I feel the same way with my friends sometimes! I always feel bad about it too because I know it's not them. I try to look for those ways that they show their appreciation that I may not be hardwired to see naturally.
ReplyDeleteYeahhh partayyy :) I definitely like it that way! I have other friends that just can't understand why I don't want to surround myself with gobs of people. I live by that mantra too, even with people that are close to me, especially about weird, specific things like putting the pups to bed?! Haha, there's really no explanation for that. I feel like I am mellowing out a bit as I get older, which is nice. Thanks for stopping by and reading all that. BTW I love your layout! I saw it earlier on the giveaway and had to go check it out :)
ReplyDeleteAww yeah, I was worried I wouldn't get the right one because I felt like I answered some of the questions that are similar differently. If that makes sense!
ReplyDeleteRight! Blogging personalities may be totally different. I'd love to take that test :)
Fo real! I don't know where I would be without his understanding.
ReplyDeleteThat's a good point! I feel like society favors the extroverts at a young age. The introverts are more "thinkers" which I guess is appreciated more later in life. Maybe? haha
Thank you so much! Thanks for taking the time to read and comment :)
I kind of want to try that! Yeah, some days I feel so much louder, so to speak. I just talk talk talk and feel outgoing and then the next day not. I should wait for one of those days and take it again.
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment :)
That's awesome! Personality differences really interest me. I borrowed a few books from my parents on the topic and have been reading through them little by little. It's fascinating!
ReplyDeleteGirl, I wish I loved to be around people. Give me like 2 and I am good. But even then, I need a little time alone.
Thanks Mariah! This blogtember thing has been pretty fun so far!
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by :) BTW I love that DIY you posted! I want to try it out with a few quotes I have in mind.
Wahooo, glad to have you back :) That's really awesome. I've read up on the ENFP and I think it sounds a lot like my boyfriend haha so y'all are like us, just switched :) Like your BF I am totally content listening! I'm a little behind reading up on everyone else's entries :/ but I'm almost there. I'm looking forward to reading yours.
ReplyDeleteAww, thank you, I'm happy to have ya! Yes! This test is super interesting, especially with this link up! It's fun to see how we all stack up.
ReplyDeleteAhh a fellow ISFJ. I feel like we guys have gotta stick together :) Yes, I totally agree. People thought I was just nervous to talk, which isn't the case. I can talk and give you my opinion with no trouble sometimes I just prefer to keep it to myself. I'm glad there's people out there that feel the same!
ReplyDeleteI'm an INTJ! I recently wrote and entire post on being an introvert (even though I feel introversion/extroversion kind of fall on a continuum) FUN:)