Friday, May 17, 2013

High 5 For Friday

It is Friday again and that is a wonderful, wonderful thing.  We've been crazy busy around these parts but Friday and Saturday are for date night and relaxing, respectively.  This week, I want to jump back on the H54F train since I haven't participated in a little while, and I miss it.  So here are some of the things that have been going on, according to instagram.

▲ the makings of a gallery wall in the kitchen.  Please don't mind the empty/fake family frames, I need some more pictures, but I'm also impatient 

▲ This huge margarita was almost as big as the chip bowl.  And it was scrumptious. 

▲ This is what I woke up to one morning this week.  Which reminds me heavily of Austin, which I miss.  Gorgeous, right? 

▲ The puppies are growing up so fast!  They're even posing!  But how cute is this little mug? 

▲ Some night are just made for video games.  There, I said it.  I like the occasional game of Call of Duty. 

So what have you been up to this week?  Link up with everyone here:

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