Thursday, April 11, 2013

Let's Be Friends GFC Bloghop

Hey guys! Happy Thursday to ya! This week I'm co-hosting the Let's Be Friends GFC Bloghop and I am super excited about it because its a wonderful way to find new blogs, and as a blogger, who doesn't love making new blogger friends? So link up with us and get to finding your next favorite blog.

Hi Friends! It is time for the Let's Be Friends Blog Hop #8. I am so excited to see how many people I have connected with out there. I have discovered some amazing blogs from this hop and am so grateful I started it! Thanks everyone for making this such a great hop!  

 If you are interested in co-hosting this hop with me in the future, please visit here. I would love to welcome on new co-hosts! I HAVE OPENINGS FOR NEXT WEEKS BLOG HOP! Email me if you want in. :)

Ok, the rules are simple:
1. Follow your host (either GFC or Bloglovin'- or any way you fancy!). 
2. Follow your co-hosts (same as above!)
3. Visit some new friends. Visit 3 new blogs, follow them, and say hi! 
4. Promote the hop by linking back or placing the button on your page.

Meet this weeks co-hosts!

Sarah from A Girl Smitten


                                                            Follow on Bloglovin


  1. Thanks for co-hosting! I joined the link up :)

  2. It's a pleasure co- hosting with you girlie! Love your blog!!

  3. Yay! I'm excited :) I'm really enjoying the link ups.

  4. I love these link ups!! Joined :)

  5. Hi, stopping in from the hop! New follower and looking forward to following along!

  6. Newest follower from the hop! Hope to see you at Me + the Moon sometime :)

