So there's this book that many of you have probably heard about called It Starts With Food and the Whole30 program it outlines - I am naturally late to this party. I first heard about this via What I Wore and was intrigued. What struck me was that while this may seem new-agey at first, it really is just down to basics, back to goodness, whole eating. Which I liked. I am fairly traditional and don't like things that are gimmicky or are unsustainable for any length of time.
Even before reading this book I knew about the surface benefits of whole eating. Of course it is healthier, eating veggies and real meat trumps greasy mexican food any day of the week - nutrition wise that is. Upon reading though I got to understand what I thought might be the case - eating well can help cure a multitude of ails.
While weight loss is a positive side effect, that wasn't my primary goal in considering this new style of eating. When it really got down to it, I was most impressed with the psychological benefits. (I won't get all into the nuts and bolts of it but if you are even a bit interested, I recommend the book, even just for an enlightening read.)
I am not overweight but I am none too versed in resisting cravings. I will almost always give in to sweets and greasy food. What has started to plague me lately was how intense these cravings could be and how powerless I felt against them - this worried me. I wanted the mental veracity to tackle these bad boys - if you will.
Additionally, coming from a background where I can understand the effects of depression and anxiety, I was intrigued by how a change of diet could improve one's mental health. Could simple, good, whole foods really help to tackle something that can be so debilitating? Something that is so often treated with prescriptions? I was impressed.
After reading the book front to back in a day (okay, I did skip the few mildly science heavy pages) I was highly interested in trying this out for myself. After all, it couldn't be worse than I am eating now, right?
So this is what Nick and I are doing for the next 30 days. It'll be tough considering our work schedules but we have worked hard and developed a plan and we're gunning to get started. And naturally, I will keep you updated.
Have any of y'all tried this? How did it go for you? I'd absolutely love to hear all about it.
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