Tuesday, September 03, 2013

I Am Grateful, Week 5

I am grateful for old friends.  I met a few girls at ihop the other night.  Ya know, just revisiting our cool high school days, no big deal.  Oh, yeah I hadn't seen them for quite a while.  It was nice.  Like, really nice, ya know?  I can just show up,  and they show up and we pick things up right where they were left last.  Laughing and joking and inside jokes that come flying out of my brain like they've just been waiting.  Waiting for these lovely ladies to return.  It's a fundamental comfort of life as far as I am concerned, friends like these.

I am grateful for support.  I don't know why this came as a shock to me but I am regularly humbled by the reactions to my blog in the real life.  Nick has always supported me, told me I could do it, urged me on, and made me feel like it's all for something, even on those days when it feels not.  The thing is though, I'm surrounded by support.  From all sides.  Why do I always feel like people will take negatively to the idea of me blogging?  I naturally think people will dismiss it because it isn't familiar.  But no! Oh no.  This hasn't been the case in the slightest.

I am grateful for the weather.  This summer has been a breeze.  And that means a lot when spoken with a Texas accent.  My point here is that the usual temperatures, that generally hang out north of 100 degrees, haven't shown their sorry heat waves around these parts. It's been a blissful summer with my 80 and 90 degree days.  My second thought is that if this means a colder winter, count me doubly tickled.

So what are you thankful for this week? 

If you haven't already, check out the rules and link your post up through next Tuesday! Whenever you do, send me a shoutout on twitter (@sarahbrooke) and I'll retweet your post!


  1. I am grateful for my husband and two little boys and I am very grateful that I have the opportunity to travel and discover new people and places.

  2. We are back for week 5! Woo!


  3. Old friends - the kind that you can say absolutely anything to and you all share fifty zillion memories - are the best! :)

  4. Those sound like wonderful things to be thankful for :) Thanks for taking the time to comment and share!

  5. Thanks again for hosting this link up!

  6. Of course! Thanks for link up with us :) I'm sooo glad to have you!

  7. What a lovely link up. A lot of link ups seem very thrown together and just follower geared but the purpose of this one is just so lovely. I enjoyed reading what you are grateful for and may just start writing down some myself. Cheers to ya!
